If you have been told that you are an unsatisfactory kisser, try practicing on your hand. By affixing googly eyes and lipstick, you can successfully complete the illusion that you are actually kissing another person, albeit a very small one.
An alternative to this would be practicing on a watermelon dressed up like a cheerleader.
Or, forget whatever or whoever made you think you're a bad kisser... different people like different things!
well whats done is done. im 14 and i hated but loved my first kiss. it was weird and awkward but awesome. if you messed it up theres nothing you can do about it, but its no big deal. whoever you kissed "badly" isn't going to hate you because your kiss was messed up. actually, he probably wont really care (but not in a bad way) if it wasnt perfect if he likes you.
your ds can only get messed up if you kiss it
It is sought of up to you. when i got my first kiss i made the first move...
Yes depending on how much he/she likes you or if you really messed it up.
No That Would Be Messed Up Before She Gets Older
Apparently the First KISS album was Repressed in the late 1980's by Mercury records and messed up and put a live version of the song
you and the boy should be about 16 and up if you want you can be10 and up
Be prepared ! Read up online as much detail on how to kiss .
Even if you messed up the first year of college, I feel that you should still attempt to advance yourself with a college career. Maybe at another college where you think you you can pursue a degree in search of a better career.
I think u should say i want u back i messed up or he messed up
To me you shouldn't. Some boys may think you are to easy just by a kiss. That is just my opinion, but some people think you can tell a lot by the first kiss, so it is up to you.
Use your instincts. the most important thing is try not to miss. that happened to me... but if you do mess up, dont worry about it. i totally messed up the first time and my girlfriend loved it! so just go with what you think is right and try not to get too nervous.
they never do, but in the last episode in chapter 2, they almost, but aang messed it up