make sure that he is flirting with you...and if he really does like you then tell him that you cant go out with him until he breaks up with his girlfriend.
he doesn't respect his girlfriend nor their relationship, and if you were to become his girlfriend, he would treat you the same way.
He probably got his feelings back for her
Do some research, find out if he has a girlfriend.
dont go for it hes trying to make his girl friend jealous but if he breaks up with her be there for him.
It means he is a cheater. Steer clear.
Go along with it.
If you are in middle school and a boy flirts with you, but has a girlfriend, you should ignore his flirting. Even if he likes you, he still has a girlfriend. You should respect his relationship with the other girl since you would not want him to flirt with another girl if he was your boyfriend.
I am not saying this is the truth, but either his girlfriend was not nice, or he just wanted someone to mess around with.
It means 1.He going to break up with his girlfriend.2.He is a cheater.2.He just wants to get to kno u better so if it doesn't work out with his current girlfriend.
Yes....he can's a possiablity
i will talk to him abot what he is doing and let him know that its hurting me.But if he does not change i will break up wit him.
I would reject that two-timing scum hard and ask his girlfriend why she hates you when its her boyfriend who is trying to cheat.Were you and the guys girlfriend friends though.if not,just stay away from these people.good luck!