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Do some research, find out if he has a girlfriend.

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Q: What do you do if a guy flirts with you and just met him and like him a lot but you dont know if he has a girlfriend and he is 15 and you are 14?
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you cant get a girlfriend cuz i dont know y u just cant

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He is probably just a flirt than... sorry :(

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I suggest you keep things casual but right before anything serious happens confront him about his girlfriend situation. You don't want to ruin your reputation and be known as a boyfriend stealer.

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most guys dont chase they wait

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try not to talk or hang out with him as much because if u do he'll think ur flirtling back but let him down easily dont stop asap take it slow

When you girlfriend ask why do you love her?

tell her that you dont know the reason because you just fell it without knowing why.

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Yes he does have a girlfriend but i dont know her name.

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you dont

Do he likes me.. i like him a lot he cares for me and sometimes flirts with me to be his girlfriend how to know about his feelings?

Just give it a shot. sounds like he might like you. you only get one life. start sending this dude some signals!

What do you do if this guy flirts with you and you kinda like him but he has a girlfriend?

i will talk to him abot what he is doing and let him know that its hurting me.But if he does not change i will break up wit him.

How do you know when a dude likes you?

You just no xD. Eye contact. Flirts etc etc

Should you be jealous when your girlfriend wants to spend alone time at her apartment with another guy?

If you dont know who the guy is then you should find out before being jealous. But if you do know the guy then you should just go have a long talk with your girlfriend because if you are jealous, your girlfriend might just break up with you.