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tell her that you dont know the reason because you just fell it without knowing why.

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Q: When you girlfriend ask why do you love her?
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because i love you why do you ask me that

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Ask her yourself lol..

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you dont ask.. lol just do it. she'll love it.

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You ask him. Then ask if he is sure and why he thinks its love.

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I don't think it's a great idea to ask a guy out if he has a girlfriend already. Maybe wait and see if their relationship goes downhill then ask him out. But if you truly love him then you should make the desicion.

What if your girlfriend ask you a secret question?

Well tel her ask you. And if she said it's a secret question then trust her if you love her.:)

What if you love your ex girlfriend?

Well, if you love your ex then you can either ask her out again or your screwed. That simple. Glad to be at your service!

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she calls, mails you and ask you out again.

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ask her

How do you get girls kiss us?

Firstly get a girlfriend secondly get one of your friends to ask them girls love that or even better you ask her