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Hopefully, it is not infected. The skin of the area should be clear and healed. If it is still red, bumpy, bloody or anything else abnormal, continue to wash it twice a day and make sure to see a doctor to make sure it isn't infected.

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Q: What should a navel piercing look like after 5 weeks?
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What does a healed belly button piercing look like?

Well it looks like a navel piercing with a navel gem barbell or a captive bead ring in it.

What does it mean when there is a knot by your navel piercing?

it does that before it heals. just like any other piercing.

How Long Does it take for a Navel piercing healing after taking it out?

It depends on the type of piercing and the size of the piercing. If it's a small gauge it will close within a few days, larger gauge a weeks. Just wash the piercing remove the jewellery and clean the area when bathing normally. It will close when it feels like it, you just need to leave it alone.

You have what looks like your insides coming out through a lump on your navel piercing?

Would New-Skin Liquid Band-Aid cover up a Navel Piercing to where it almost looking like you never had the piercing there in the first place?

if you do it right

When should you change your nose piercing?

If you just got your nose pierced, wait for 6 weeks, then change it if you would like to.

How long should your lip piercing be swollen?

Anywhere from 2-4 weeks. It will probably go down in about 2 weeks but it'll swell up if you hit or or something like that.

What piercing takes 3 weeks to heal?

No piercing takes three weeks to heal! The human body doesnt work like that, the body takes much longer to heal any piercing regardless of what or where it may be. If some one told you there piercing was "healed in three weeks", they are feeding you a line.

I am 5'9 and weigh 150 pounds I got my belly button pierced and the bottom part is inside of my belly button Is it pierced incorrectly or is it because of the little extra weight?

No the piercing sounds like it's correct. The navel is a nest the gem in the navel should hang just about dead center, this makes the gem the egg in the nest. The point is not to have is look good for you trying to peer down at it, it's to have it look good to anyone who sees it on you. Perfectly placed navel piercing are meant to draw attention to your waist line not be the center of attention. So it sounds like your piercing is spot on and at 5'9" 150 lbs you are far from over weight.

Is it bad for a 13 year old to get her navel pierced?

yes it is bad, its not recommended by anyone to get a belly button piercing at a young age like 13. my sister is a doctor and says it is possible to get a disease by getting it pierced. if you want a piercing on your navel i think a good age would be 16 and over. -hope this helped

Can you still keep your navel piercing ring in even if its infected and its bein treated?

Well the jewellery should still be in the piercing, you never remove jewellery from an infected piercing unless it's the jewellery that caused the issue in the first place. Mall bought jewellery is junk and will cause reactions that will often look like and infection. Make sure you have the original jewellery in the piercing and leave it in until your situation has improved.

How long do you have to wait to change your Nipple piercing?

It is best to wait about 6-8 weeks like you would with any other piercing :)