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Anywhere from 2-4 weeks. It will probably go down in about 2 weeks but it'll swell up if you hit or or something like that.

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Q: How long should your lip piercing be swollen?
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How long will a lip piercing stay swollen?

Lip piercings if you are following your written aftercare to the letter, should show a decrease in swelling by the two week time period.

Should males get a lip piercing?

any body can get a lip piercing as long if its a unisex or male stud or jewelry

Why is the back of my new lip piercing cutting into my lip?

cause yer lip is prolly swollen. it will go down in a few days n it should b fineee.

What if you took infected piercing out of lip?

You would have a swollen lip, a possible abscess and nothing to show for it.

What if your lip piercing got swollen from touching it?

Stop touching it so it can heal.

What does it mean when swollen occurs after a lip piercing?

Swelling with any lip piercing is normal and to be expected, it's nothing new or frightening, just maintain the piercing and the swelling will ease over time.

What happens if you don't sterilize a needle before piercing your lip?

you will lose alot of blood.and lip will become swollen and infected.

How should a lip piercing look after 4 days?

a little swollen, def tender. A lil red maybe some light crusting

How often should you ice a swollen lip piercing?

Whenever the swelling starts to bother you. Warm water soaks seem to help better though.

What does a lip piercing infection look like?

Red swollen hot may or may not have blisters

If you get your lip pierced will it affect the way you play the trumpet?

I have a lip piercing and play trumpet... While healing, yes especially when its still swollen but after the piercing is fully healed it doesn't affect at all...its as if its not even there!

What kind of barbell should you use on your lip piercing for swelling?

Just get a long lip stud. The piercer should've put that in to begin with.