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hey wats up u want 2 get 2gether sometime

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Q: What should a girl text to a guy?
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How often should a girl text a guy?

twice a day every day

Should the girl send the guy a text after getting off with him the night before or should she wait for him to txt her?

if you really like them, just text him/her.

Should a guy text a girl first after he has made a mistake?

Yes, it shows that he cares.

What does it mean when a guy pauses his game for a girl?

To text the girl back.

How many days should you text a guy first before you should stop?

you never should text the guy first that's how i was raised!

Does a guy like it if a girl he likes texts him once a day to just say hi or what are you up to or should the girl just wait for him to text even though he doesnt text the girl first?

Text the guy once, but don't text him over and over if he doesn't answer it. It gets repetitive and irritating, and if you text over and over even though he isn't responding, you either seem desperate or slow to get the message. I doubt you would want to convey either message.

How should a guy ask a girl out?

well it all depends on the guy. the best way would be to ask the girl out in person. some guys do it over text, when talking to a girl on the phone, or many other ways. girls like it better when it is in person.

Should a guy text a girl he likes back even though she hasn't replied to him yet?

No, if he doesnt text back then obviously he is not should just leave him alone.

What should you do if someone you like doesn't respond to your text messages?

depends how long its been call them if its important!

Is an email or text message better to send to a guy you like?

i like it better personaly when a my girl text me.

Should you text the guy after he said he would text you?

no, you dont want to sound desperate and scare the guy away.

Is it right for a woman to ask a guy out?

a guy should ask a girl out a girl should never ask a guy out......:D