

What schedule is marijuana in?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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13y ago

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Marijuana is currently a Schedule I drug, despite not fitting the Schedule I criteria.

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Q: What schedule is marijuana in?
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Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. It is scheduled to be more dangerous than meth.

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What chemicals make marijuana addictive?

The effects of THC mentally condition your mind, and in most cases will be built into your schedule. Marijuana isn't addictive but you can form a mental dependency on the feeling of being "high" through conditioning or building it into your schedule.

Can a marijuana caregiver buy marijuana seeds?

If your talking about the legality... Just like with all things Medical Marijuana. Its a conflict. You can legally by seeds just like marijuana, if your legal in your state. Under Federal law its still illegal. Its still schedule one. Until its droped it from schedule one their is still some risk. I guess it depends on who's trying to arrest you :/

The synthetic version of marijuana is currently scheduled as?

Specific JWH compounds are schedule 1.

In America what class does marijuana belong to?

Marijuana is categorized in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. It is entirely prohibited for all use by the federal government of the United States. Drug offenses relating to drugs within Schedule I have the toughest legal penalties.

What is the active ingredient in legal marijuana?

What, precisely, is "legal" marijuana? As far as the US federal government is concerned, there is no such thing. Marijuana is a Schedule I substance, DEA 7360; the active ingredients are tetrahydrocannabinols (several chemically distinct but closely related compounds that are listed collectively as a separate Schedule I substance, DEA 7370). "Legal marijuana" sounds like a slang or marketing term for something that isn't actually marijuana at all; if you can give the botanical name, we may be able to help you.

Marijuana is classified as?

According to our "intelligent" US government, marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug.....the worst of the worst, right up there with heroin. HOWEVER, cocaine is a schedule 2 drug, apparently not so bad for you compared to weed...according to our "intelligent" government.

What is the central issue involved in the passage of state laws allowing the medical use of marijuana?

Because marijuana is considered as a schedule controlled substance. It is highly potent and addictive which has a potential for abuse.

What does CS-SCH VI mean for possessing marijuana?

CS-SCH VI - is legal/law enforcement 'shorthand' which means: "Controlled Substance-Schedule 6" which is where Cannabis/Marijuana is listed.

What is the punishment for theft of medical marijuana?

Theft, Breaking and entering, and possesion of a schedule 1 narcotic. FELONY X3

List all the drugs in schedules c and c1?

There are no schedule C or C1 drugs. The DEA lists controlled drugs as Schedule 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Some Schedule 1 drugs are heroin, ecstasy, and marijuana.