Numerous commercial and custom makers have made 8mm Mauser rifles in the last 100 years
It would be very expensive, but, it is possible.
"No, 7.92 is German military caliber for WW 2 and earlier Mauser rifles." Actually, 7.92x57 is the same thing as the 8MM Mauser, if that's what the person was asking.
No. If you try that the gun will blow up and you might be injured. You need 8mm Mauser ammunition.
The GEW 98 Mauser, in 8mm caliber. See link below.
No. No one can. There are a lot of custom rifle makers and major gun makers that make rifles chambered in 7x57
No- the 7x57 was developed separately, in 1892 by Paul Mauser. The 8mm Mauser (actually the 7.92 Mauser, but every calls it the 8mm) was developed by a government board.
Brazil used a number of Mauser rifles over the years. Most were in 7mm Mauser (7x57), but later versions were .30-06. That number you have is not a model number.
Your guess is as good as anyone's here. There were several types of rifles made for the 7.82x57 (aka, 8mm Mauser) cartridge, these rifles were manufactured by several different arsenals, and the serial number does nothing to indicate the purpose. Yours might not even be a military rifle - your question gives us no indication of the manufacturer or model - for all we know.
There are several rifles, both military and commercial, which have been made for this cartridge. Try to narrow down your criteria to something reasonable.
The Germans used 7.92x57mm or 8mm for rifles and machineguns, for submachineguns and pistols it was 9mm (9x19mm), some submachineguns were chambered for a 9mm long round or 9x25mm. For the MP44 it was 7.92x33mm or 8mm Kurz.
What about it?