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Your guess is as good as anyone's here. There were several types of rifles made for the 7.82x57 (aka, 8mm Mauser) cartridge, these rifles were manufactured by several different arsenals, and the serial number does nothing to indicate the purpose. Yours might not even be a military rifle - your question gives us no indication of the manufacturer or model - for all we know.

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Q: Is the 8mm mauser serial number 1303 a sniper rifle?
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good morning for your question i have a a book (crown jewels :the mauser in Sweden).in this book at page 148 ther are the list of S.N: Your serial number is in middle betwen 371495 and 401598 .the year is the 1916. i have no trace for the hh but i suppose is the inspector control in 1916.but are you sure is HH and no HK? i have a cg m41/b (sniper) and serial number is correct for the year bye Pasquale P.s. sorry for my English my email is

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