The only thing i know is that the crew members force feeded them and sometimes broke the slaves' teeth in the process
not a nice subject eh:P
Slaves were used to round up citizens as a means of control and coercion during times of rebellion or unrest. By using slaves who were loyal to the rulers, authorities could ensure compliance from citizens through fear and intimidation. Additionally, the use of slaves in this manner diminished the risk of rebellion or disobedience.
Black slaves were not paid for their labor in the United States during the time of slavery. They were considered property and forced to work without compensation under brutal and inhumane conditions.
No, slaves in the southern United States did not get paid for their work. They were considered property and forced to work without wages under harsh and oppressive conditions. Their labor contributed significantly to the economic prosperity of the region.
Some secret codes used during the Underground Railroad included terms like "stations" for safe houses, "conductors" for guides helping enslaved individuals to freedom, and "passengers" for those seeking to escape slavery. Songs like "Follow the Drinking Gourd" also contained hidden messages to guide escaping slaves.
The lantern told the slave that it could only light the way to freedom if the slave had the courage to follow its guidance and make the difficult journey towards liberation. It urged the slave to trust in its light and take the first steps towards a better future.
they died
They became weak and maybe eventually died whilst either on the voyage or whilst taking the orders from their white leaders :(
Hermione refused to eat the feast once she learned that the house-elves who made the feast were slaves.
dog love to eat tacos
not allowed to eat a lollipop
Yes, of course. However, slaves probably did not eat as well as their owners.
Slaves could be required to attend meetings to receive instructions or hear announcements from their owners or overseers. They may have also used meetings as a way to communicate and strategize amongst themselves in order to resist or cope with their circumstances.
Crew members whipped the Africans if the did not eat.
slaves only ate one or to very small course meals a day
1.they had to work 2.for eat they was only bread and water.
food of course!