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Slaves were not paid. They were given room and board, but they lived in shacks and were only given cheap food to eat.

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Black slaves were not paid for their labor in the United States during the time of slavery. They were considered property and forced to work without compensation under brutal and inhumane conditions.

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Q: How much were black slaves paid?
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How much did slaves get paid?

They were slaves, they worked for food and shelter, not money. They would never get paid the white man took them from their country so the slaves could work for free on the white man's land and farms.

Were there black slaves in France?

Yes, there were black slaves in France, particularly during the period of colonial expansion and the transatlantic slave trade. Slavery was legal in French colonies, such as in the Caribbean, where many black slaves were brought to work on plantations. Additionally, there were some instances of black slaves in mainland France as well.

Do the slaves get payed?

No, slaves do not get paid. They are forced to work without compensation and are treated as property rather than as individuals with rights.

How much money do child slaves get paid?

Child slaves are not paid as they are subjected to forced labour, exploitation, and abuse. They are typically victims of human trafficking and are forced to work in hazardous conditions without receiving any compensation. It is crucial to address this issue through awareness, advocacy, and enforcement of laws against child slavery.

How much do child slaves get paid?

Child slaves are often not paid at all or are paid very minimal amounts, such as a few cents per day. They are forced to work under exploitative conditions and often do not receive any wages as they are considered property of their owners. It is important to recognize that child slavery is a grave violation of human rights and efforts should be made to eradicate this practice.

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How much did Victorian slaves get paid?

Slaves get paid nothing.

How much do slaves in Pakistan get paid for working?

slaves don't get paid they're slaves

How much was the egyptians paid to build the sphinxs?

No one paid them they were all slaves

How much did Egyptian builders get paid a week?

most Egyptian "builders" were slaves.

What was the main reason that black africans sent their own people across the ocean as slaves?

They got paid - MONEY.

Were African Americans slaves during the revolution?

During the American revolution, there were black slaves, black former slaves that had paid off their indenture, and free black people. However, the concept of the evil of slavery was a hot topic at the time. President Washington and others made moves to abandon slavery for the country. Too bad he never freed his own slaves . . .

What person had to work with out getting paid?

slaves had to work almost all day everyday, but weren't paid very much, if at all... :(

Are the elves that work with Santa his slaves If not how much do you think that they get paid?

There are no such things as elves! Santa's fake!

How much money did slaves make in a day?

Slaves didn't get paid. That's why people used them for manual labor. All they had to do was feed, cloth and shelter them.

How much did ancient Egyptian builders get paid for a week?

normal builders(slaves) didnt get paid but people who build houses and palaces did get payd. how much it was decided the one who pays them

Black slaves who served as overseers of other slaves were known as what?

Black slaves who served as overseers of other slaves were known as "black overseers" or "slave drivers."

How much did slaves get paid?

They were slaves, they worked for food and shelter, not money. They would never get paid the white man took them from their country so the slaves could work for free on the white man's land and farms.