yes. Take the code from the ds game and enter the code on the computer. You should have your elite puffles on clubpenguin. you will still have the puffles on the ds game too though.
The yellow puffle is Awesome! You don't get extra money but it plays dj3k.You can find out what all the puffles do at the pet shop.
There are puffles that have a favorite game and there favorite game will help you earn more coins. Yellow Puffles favorite game - DJ3K Pink Puffles favorite game - Aqua Grabber Purple Puffle favorite game - Dance Contest Red puffle favorite game - Surfing
it doesn't have one!!
Red Puffles Love To Play The Surfing Game At The Cove Pink Puffles Like To Swim in aqua grabber At The Ice berg
poo this web site is no help
Get a blue puffle and see!!
It is a game on club penguin when you create fun looking puffles
The purple puffle plays either the dance contest, or it can play that new game that's out in the new pet shop, Puffle Launchalong with the other puffles that you own.
Yes puffles do have teeth .If they didn't, they wouldn't be able to eat their puffle Os. And if a puffle plays on a scratch tower,once it gets to the top,it will grin and its teeth will show.Also as you know,the orange puffle has its buck teeth. So puffles do have teeth.
The creators of club penguin and the puffles invented puffles.
20 puffles for members and 2 puffles for non-members.