

Best Answer

You can:

  • put the victims hands in warm water while he/she is sleeping which will make them wet themselves ( not sure if that's true so check)
  • give them a drink in a plastic cup and poke a hole in the middle before you give it to them.(when they tilt the cup to drink, its going to spill on them)
  • squeeze lemon on their toothbrush
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Q: What prank can you pull to get revenge?
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What are some good revenge plans?

revenge is good up to a point, if it is just a little prank you want to pull that's alright, but you don't pay evil with evil.

How do you get revenge on your old older brother?

Try doing a really embarrassing prank at him. what kind of prank

How do you pull a prank?

do something funny

What would be a prank to pull but not have it be mean?

=== ===

How can you get back at your dad?

pull a prank on him

Where can one should perform skirt pull prank?

You can view videos of the skirt pull prank and learn how to perform it from the videos at the YouTube website. Once on the website, type "Skirt pull prank" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

What is a good prank for revenge?

Ha ha type that up in youtube and ur bound to get an answer!

Which prank did the boys pull on harry?

they drew on his face

What prank does peter pull on Mr Dussel?

Peter put a dead mouse on Mr. Dussel's bed as a prank.

What prank did the boys pull on harry?

Put gum in his hair

What is a good prank to pull on your teacher?

A fart machine in there desk

How do you to pull a naughty prank?

Give someone a swirly or wedgie