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Well considering the tight quarters you have the piercer working in, they can be uncomfortable but not unbearable. We are of course talking about having it done correctly by a professional body piercer and not some joker with a piercing gun.

All cartilage is over pierced (or should be) which is to say the piercing is done with a needle one size bigger than the jewellery entering the piercing. this is so the cartilage will allow the skin to heal around the newly formed piercing between the cartilage and the jewellery going into the piercing. So sort term localized minor bleeding should be expected. Other than that it's pretty straight forward from a piercers prospective and therefore easy for you to handle. Yes I read your notes! Cheers.

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Q: What piercing hurts more. A tragus rook or snug?
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What piercing hurts more- tragus or rook?

The tragus piercing has a smaller cartillage when pierced while the rook piercing has a bigger cartilage. So rook has to be the much more painful type of ear piercing.

If I have my industrial and tragus done on one ear and my rook on the other what is the best choice for another piercing on the same one as my rook?

Consider a Helix Crus / Daith piercing or you may want to consider an Antitragus piercing to compliment the rook piercing.

Does a Rook piercing close faster than a Tragus piercing?

No, that's wrong. Cartilage takes about a year to heal completely. I had my rook done a month and a half ago and I changed it. And then it got infected:/ Kinda sad. Anyways, my rook also closed in about 10 minutes cause I had to take it out.

What does rook piercing stand for?

The word rook does not mean anything I don't think. A rook piercing is located on the ear. Where your cartalidge ends and it is that little (hard you cant move it) flap of skin between the ear cartalidge and your tragus (that hard flap of skin on the inside of your ear in front of the hole)

What piercing should i get nipple rook or vertical tragus i already have eyebrow tragus forward helix navel and three lobe piercings?

WHAT?! are you goth? if you are go to my page and answer some of my questions about goin goth please!

Were exactly does a Barbell go in the ear?

It could go anywhere. You could have an industrial, conch, tragus, lobe, helix, rook daith, or anti tragus piercing with a barbell in it. But I'd say that industrials are most known for their long barbells.

On a scale from one to ten how bad would a piercing be?

depending on your pain threshold and where the piercing you're talking about is, the pain varies a lot. cartilidge hurts most, so that's your nose, the top half of your ear, and tragus/rook etc. normal flesh piercings like lobes don't hurt as much, they're more like a pinch (i'd say about a 3 on a scale of 1-10). lip piercings i would say are about a 4 out of 10. any other opinions for other piercings?

You really want to get your ears pierced again you already have your lobe pierced but you want another one any ideas and nothing to crazy?

i'd suggest rook or tragus..unless you're not opposed to having a second lobe piercing on each ear

Does Claire's offer hoops as an ear piercing earring?

No, Clarie's don;t offer hoops as an ear piercing option because they don't do ear piercings. What Claire's use is a piercing gun which is more like cattle branding than a piercing, because they use a gun they have to use studs that fit into the gun. If you go to an actual piercer they can use hoops.

How old do you have to be to get a rook piercing?

You have to be 13 years of age with parents consent.

How painful is the anti-tragus compared to the rook piecing?

Pain is relative. So theres really no definitive answer I can give you. They're both cartilage so they'll feel pretty similar but I imagine that the anti-tragus would be harder to heal. The rook is set farther back in your ear so you wouldnt hit it as much and it wont be as big of a deal to sleep on it :)

How are rook piercings done?

A rook piercing is done by a professional body piercer using a sterile needle. The piercer will clean the area, mark the placement of the piercing, and then use a needle to create the hole for the jewelry to be inserted. It is important to care for the piercing properly to prevent infection and promote healing.