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As of 2014, about 20% of American gay couples have children.

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Q: What percent of gay people have children?
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What percent of kids raised in a gay household turn gay?

It is the same percent as children raised in straight households, about 3% to 8%.Typically it is believed that gay households produce more gay children, but this is wrong. The only reason people believe this is that gay households are more accepting of gay children and the children will grow to feel comfortable with being out as gay. In homophobic heterosexual households, gay children may learn not to accept themselves and hide that they are gay. The numbers are not the same, but the openness is where the misconception comes from.

Are 72 percent of parents and their children in the us gay?

No, less than 10% of all people are gay. In the US, the numbers are closer to 5%

Are gay people abused children?

No, most of them are not abused as children, myself included.

Can gay people work with children?

Yes. Gay people are not pedophiles.

Can a person be gay?

Yes, they can. Most studies show that gay people were decided that way before they were born. Between 5 and 10 percent of the world is gay, which is a very large number of people. That means in a school of 100 children, maybe 6 or 7 or 8 of them are gay. They may not realize it till they are older, but they were gay since they were born, probably.

What percent of gay people are white?

About 3% to 8% of any population is gay. So that equates to about 250 million white gay people in the world.

What is the affects off gay people having babies?

There does not seem to be any statistical difference between children of gay people and children of straight people. However, there does seem to be a pattern of gay couples being more likely to adopt hard-to-place children.

What percent of Chinese people are gay?

about 3-8%, depending on the survey, however, most chinese gay people are closeted.

Are gay people infertile?

Sexual orientation does not affect fertility. Most gay people of childbearing age are able to have children, just as most straight people are able to have children.

Who has a gay brother?

All bible-believing Christians have 'brothers' who are gay, since all people are children of God. If you mean 'biological sibling' (child of the same set of parents) version of 'brother', then the list would literally extend to millions of pages. The World population is now more than 6.5 billion people (6,500,000,000). It has been estimated that up to ten percent are gay (650,000,000). But we are not counting gay people here. Instead we are counting all rest of the people, the brothers and sisters of a gay person. With that in mind, we can start with the rough estimate of 5,850,000,000 (the 90 percent of the non-gay population) who potentially have a gay brother. From there we would subtract all people who are the 'only child' of their parents. Then subtract the children in families that only have female children. The remaining number, still in the billions, are those who potentially have a gay brother. It would be impractical to attempt to list all their names here.

What percent are gay people in the military?

The military does not keep such records.

How many gay people have children?

As of 2014, about 20% of gay couples in the United States are raising children, but exact numbers aren't known.