If you are buying a business phone you can get a landline number under broadband service for a relatively cheap price, or you can buy IPad minis and other recommended business phones.
Personally - I use mine EVERY day. If I didn't have my mobile - I would lose out on business transactions worth 10,000 +
Outlook has some features for business contact management. It helps one to be more organized. It is easy to use. It is also compatible with mobile, PC and tablet.
Depends, mobile phones now all come in different screen sizes but typically I believe 320px wide would be optimal. Also many just use css and make the site width 100%, margin auto :) fetchmobi.com has a free program to develope them.
I have facebook mobile and you dont use internet its all texts
You use Ventones.com
Verizon and SPrint both offer discounts for mobile phones for small business use. You can dave a lot of money.
Mobile phones are phones that you can take with you when you need to be away from the physical location of your business. You can use them anywhere and not have to worry about an answering service when you are not there.
Personally - I use mine EVERY day. If I didn't have my mobile - I would lose out on business transactions worth 10,000 +
Sky Mobile is a type of business which allows users to watch and enjoy television from the convenience of their mobile phones by utilizing their 3G network.
VOIP business phones are next-generation smartphones that use pre-purchased minutes. They are beneficial to a business because they provide employees with a high tech (yet affordable) mobile phone to use for business.
radio waves.
because without it we wouldn't have mobile phones right now
Boost Mobile has a wide variety of HTC phones and accessories.
There are many cell phone providers that offer business deals. Currently in Canada the most popular company to use for business is Telus as they have the Mortorola phones.
Yes, you can use mobile apps on the tablet. There are many apps made for phones that will work just fine on phones.