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I have facebook mobile and you dont use internet its all texts

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Q: Does Facebook mobile use internet
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How do you get on Facebook in scchool?

find a computer with internet conn/use mobile

Can you update on Facebook without internet?

Many cell phones and providers allow you to update Facebook by text messaging. no you cant it will cost you if you try and update it on a mobile as it will use the internet... but no you cant update facebook without the internet xxx

What is the difference between mobile Facebook and Facebook?

Mobile facebook is a subdomain of facebook. Mobile facebook is simplified in the interface, as well as reduced in size, to allow for easy use and fast loading on mobile devices (Where an internet connection is not as fast as a computer.). Facebook has many different subdomains... Facebook has signed contracts with some mobile providers to allow free access to facebook on cellphone browsers. Offsite links and photo access, as well as a few other features, however, are not free.

How do you upload pictures to Facebook using Facebook Mobile?

Use your mobile phone.

How does Facebook mobile work?

they(facebook) use FQL(facebook query language) and FBML(facebook markup language) to enable users build third party applications whereas some applications called first party are built by facebook. now we need to have internet connection in our mobile phones so that we can log into w can use it as in any desktop.

Can you make a facebook page from a mobile phone?

Yes! If you have Internet of your phone?

How can you go to your Facebook?

Use a computer or mobile phone (with Internet access), then type in You will get a Facebook sign in page which will ask for your user name and password or for your information to set up an account.

Does Facebook mobile cost money if you have unlimited text message with ATT because it says it uses texts but does it use internet?

Facebook will not charge you. Your service provider will charge you. If you have unlimited texting, it will be free. It doesn't use internet to text. So in this situation, it wlil not cost money.

Can I send messages to Facebook from any mobile device?

Yes you can. You'll need to set up your Facebook account for Facebook Mobile (click on My Mobile then Learn More About Mobile Texts). This allows you to use text messaging to send to and receive from Facebook.

Can you use Facebook and twitter on galaxy y for free?

It depends on your provider and your mobile plan. You should contact your provider to find out what you are and aren't charged for. Accessing these sites/apps will use internet. You should have internet allowances for it to be free.

Do you get charged for installing Facebook mobile on your phone?

No you do not get charged for "installing" a Facebook client application, unless whoever that makes the software is charging for the software. "Internet usage" related to the downloading of an installer, connecting to the Facebook mobile server by opening the application, and other activities you do on Facebook may or may not be an additional cost depending on what data plan you have with your cell phone carrier. I strongly recommend that you have an 'unlimited' data / mobile internet plan.

What is Facebook mobile?

It is FaceBook on your mobile device.