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This condition is pre-eclampsia where there is edema because too much protein and salt in the diet.

Most pregnant women get swollen feet without pre-eclampsia. Your hands and arms can also swell. You are retaining more water and it is not dangerous.

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Q: What makes the feet of a pregnant woman swell up?
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What do you do if a pregnant woman's feet swell up badly?

Support stockings and I also found wearing sneakers was the best because I could tie them so they were as tight as the stockings.

Is it true that when women get pregnant they feet grow?

parts of their bodies do swell up, yes.

Does a woman's feet grow during pregnancy?

no, but they can swell. It's called "edema"

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No; chlamydia will notcause your legs and feet to swell.

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Pregnancy may cause your feet to swell.

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it makes the shark look bigger.

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Have you ever heard of a woman who's feet exploded due to pregnancy? Of course they can't. A woman's body is made for this.

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As long as she is comfortable with.

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About 2,000 calories a day.

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Often, your feet will swell in the latter part of the day, although in some cases they could swell in the morning and be smaller at night. It depends a great deal on how much you drink, what you eat, how much activity you do, the temperature, how well your shoes fit, whether you are pregnant...

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Is it normal to be 6 months pregnant and foot will swell?

Feet swelling in pregnant women is extremely common. If your feet go up more than one shoe size, please take the time to talk to your doctor at your next well visit. You may need an alteration in your diet.