Often, your feet will swell in the latter part of the day, although in some cases they could swell in the morning and be smaller at night. It depends a great deal on how much you drink, what you eat, how much activity you do, the temperature, how well your shoes fit, whether you are pregnant...
Changed from the size of a fox to the present day size.
Same as during the day. It doesn't change from the day just because its dark out.
ur question was whyhorse change size of bodyist tell me is size of your body remains same from the period of your chilhood,not at allwith the passage of time changes occours so now i hope you will understand why horse change size of body
The angle of the earth to the sun changes the direction and size of shadows during the day. Since the earth rotates giving us night and day, the angle at which the suns light is hitting the earth(and you) determine the size/shape of the shadow
how is your day
During WWI. The flag is 8 by 12 feet in size.
In The Afternoon
shadow will become short when it was xiawu and no shadow at night! haha At noon, when the sun aerial, and shadows is the shortest. When the sun goes down, the shadows change into the longest.
Play the game during the day.
Yes, the temperature changes during the day everywhere on earth.
The last answer was completely wrong. They dug one hole a day. 5 feet deep and five feet wide in every direction. If they found something interesting, the warden would give them the rest of the day off and the whole would be left the size after they found something
hon it can change every cycle