well for a start a smile makes her look all kinds of things....sweet, hot innocent and ofcorse sexy lol
so if u wanna look for a girl u wanna go out with...look for the one who smiles at you and laughs at your jokes and stuff :P
Don't try to look like something or be something other than who you are. Get a haircut that suits your face and your frame: choose a style that looks good on you. You could try a pixie cut. You want to look like the girl next door as they say. I think a bob haircut makes people look sweet and innocent but you have to take your face shape into account for this. The best thing to do is to see your hair stylist. They can advise you. They can also look at you and see what the best style for you would be.
It depends on the girl. Sometimes it makes the guy look tough and sometimes it makes him look sweet.
A girl with a kind heart and sweet
real sweet and cute
I am a girl and I know that when you look like a victim, you always get protected by someone. If you are the victim in an argument, you look sweet and innocent so people always give in. You don't get embarrassed because it always works for you in the end.
Be nice to her and treat her like a queen . . . well i look at the smile first nd see if ur kind and sweet
Kangaroos look sweet and innocent, but they are very dangerous. They normally keep to themselves, but will fight if provoked.
he's looking for a girl that's sweet kind& is not afraid to talk to him
Christian looks for a girls personality and how sweet they are!
He looks for sweet kind and down to to earth.
Sweet personalty and good looks and all that!
she wants you to look at her and notice her.