Upword Tile Quantity
A-7 J-1 S-6
B-3 K-2 T-5
C-4 L-5 U-5
D-5 M-5 V-1
E-8 N-5 W-2
F-3 O-7 X-1
G-3 P-3 Y-2
H-3 Qu-1 Z-1
I-7 R-5
6 letters
This game is called verbarium.It is a word game where the players are handed sets of letters. The players must form as many words as they can from the subsets of those letters.In Latin, verbum means "word".
Threat is not quite the right word. Many of the letters were taunting, it's part of the game.
seven because that is how many tiles you have.
The game of Scrabble does not include any questions. The purpose of the game is to use randomly-chosen letters to make words.
You do realize this question makes no sense, come on man, I know you probably work at a pizza shop but, there is more to life. If you mean, how many letters BEFORE f.... That is 5 or five. If you mean, how many letters AFTER f... That is 10 or ten. Good luck in kindergarden
cent, game, fence, magic, agent,
There are about 26 words because there are 26 letters in the alphabet and any of them can be used.