

Best Answer
  • Holding hands
  • Putting your arms around each other
  • Playfully bumping your noses against each other (Eskimo kissing)
  • Staring deep into each other's eyes
  • Cuddling
  • Talking, going out, liking each other a lot
  • Stroking each other
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14y ago
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11mo ago

Kissing can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as physical attraction, emotional connection, cultural norms, and social context. It often serves as a way to show affection, intimacy, passion, and desire for another person.

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Q: What leads to kissing?
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Can you get pregeant by kissing?

No, unless the kissing leads to sexual intercourse.

Can kissing on lips to lips leads to pregnancy?

No not just from kissing on the lips. But it could lead to intercourse which yes can lead to pregnancy.

Why do people like to kiss?

Kissing leads to touching. Touching leads to rubbing. Rubbing leads to blowing. blowing leads to more rubbing and eventually humping and regret.

How does one discovery lead to another?

its like kissing. it leads to touching, touching leads to sucking, sucking leads to..... yea you know what it is. all of these are discoveries so you see the relevance now!

Can kissing and being close leads to pregnancy?

Only sperm entering the vagina and fertilising the egg can get you pregnant.

Will lip kiss leads to pregnancy?

No! It is not possible to get pregnant by kissing.

What did the text messages that Ali sent on Pretty Little Liars say?

Lots of things. Mostly about their seacrets(Spencer kissing Ian, Hanna making herself get sick, Emily kissing girls, and Aria's dad kissing Meradeth which leads to their affair).

Do the Duggars believe kissing leads to sex?

Yes, they believe that kissing plays a large role in sex. They believe that one physical interaction will lead to another, and that is why they're not allowed to kiss until they're married.

Does smooching or deep lip kissing leads pregnancy?

Sexual intercourse is the only way that you can get pregnant. Just keep it above the waist.

Could you kiss at 10 years old?

Your'e not suppose to because kissing leads to a whole different thing. And a 10 year older should not be involve in it.

Pierce the veil's kissing in cars in selfish machines album?

I heard it was written for the leads singers Vic friends wife, and that it wasnt meant to be a pierce the veils song

What is the difference between a French kiss and making out?

A French kiss involves using your tongue while kissing, whereas making out typically involves a more intense and prolonged kissing session that can include a variety of kissing techniques, such as nibbling, sucking, and using hands. French kissing is a type of kissing that is often included in making out sessions.