Kissing leads to touching. Touching leads to rubbing. Rubbing leads to blowing. blowing leads to more rubbing and eventually humping and regret.
It's a kiss, like the sound people make when they kiss/ French kiss
Its just yearning, probably. You wish someone would kiss you like that. Totally natural.
It's a kiss, like the sound people make when they kiss/ French kiss
Pepole like to kiss because they love each other so much they want to do something so they start to kiss
kiss my face
You cannot force a kiss on someone. Most people do not like kissing.
its like people with dark clothes then they kiss at night like weird people.
No, people do not kiss like cows. Kissing is a form of affection or greeting among humans, while cows do not exhibit this behavior in the same way.
if you dont like PDA then i would kiss alone, but if you dont mind if people see you kiss and all then go ahead and do it with people around. But it is whatever you are most comftorable with.. (^_^)
Zuko and Katara will never kiss, they don't even like each other like that.
The best kiss to do in public is a french kiss, but you only do that when your into it or your trying to show off, but if your around old people and they look like they will say something the kiss for you is a pop kiss!!
Gay people like to kiss just like everyone else. It is a form of intimacy that allows the couple to connect both physically and emotionally.