A mule kicks, a rifle recoils. Recoil perception differs among people. It is generally considered mild.
You have a browning a-bolt rifle chambered in .270 winchester caliber.
.270 WCF means Winchester Center fire. Yes, same round- and IMHO, one of the best rifle cartridges ever made.
No, .270 wsm and .270 winchester are not the same.
It's the caliber of the cartridge it fires.
.270 is the larger calibre of the two.
130-140 grain. You will have to shoot as many different types as you can afford to see which your rifle prefers.
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNSAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Model dependent
No. Only use what is stamed on the barrel.
A fine rifle