A Divorce. He can then pay you alimony and see how much the mistress wants him then. Be strong. If you have some education and decnt health, you can take care of your self.
Adultery & Concubinage [Art. 333-334]
Actually you can!.
If your husband has broken off the affair with the mistress then your husband should do the right thing and pay child support, but that does not mean you have to accept the child into the family. If the mistress does not want the child then it is up to you whether you want to help to raise that child. If your husband is still seeing his mistress then pack his bags and kick him out and either file for a separation or divorce.
can i reunited with my husband even after file WAVA case against him?
It depends on the circumstance. Filing a suit simply because the mistress engaged in an affair will most likely fail in a courtroom. A judge is more likely to hold the married individual (the husband, in this case) more responsible than the mistress, considering that the married individual broke a contract (the contract being the marriage) and the mistress did not (assuming the mistress is not married).
You can file a complaint for divorce.
When a husband wants to keep his family and still have his mistress, then yes, the wife has every right to file for divorce.
You need to consult an immigration lawyer but normally when the husband died in this case the process is terminated.
The fact you knew he took his mistress on vacation means you are enabling his behavior of letting him have an affair in the first place. He should be taking you on a well deserved vacation and not his mistress. It's time you stood up for yourself and, if you have children it is well worth it to communicate how you feel to your husband and tell him the only way he can save the marriage is by going for marriage counseling. If he does not agree to do this and continues to see his mistress then you need to get your self respect back and start looking after any children you may have. If you don't have children then file for a divorce if your husband refuses to seek marriage counseling.
In most states, under the doctrine of "Election", the wife could file a claim in the husband's estate and receive a share of the value of the property. It is unclear what you mean by joint equitable owners.
Alienation of Affection was the old style. To sue for taking your place.
You could try, but chances are it isn't going to get anywhere. Gifts are just that, gifts. Though you knew nothing about them at the time, they were given by your husband. If your husband is deceased, the estate may be able to retrieve gifts given in the last couple of years. Consult an attorney in your area, but chances are there won't be a case. Added: If you sue your husband for divorce, you would probably be able to get some sort of compensation for the gifts in the divorce settlement.