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Snorting cocaine is significantly worse than smoking marijuana. If you do your research smoking marijuana over the age of 25 causes very little harm.

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Q: What is worse smoking pot or snorting cocaine?
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Cannabis is a ''gateaway drug'' what does this mean?

It's supposed to mean that pot smoking will eventually fail to satisfy, and you'll move on to harder drugs like heroin and cocaine.

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as soon as we started smoking pot as soon as we started smoking pot

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probably, smoking pot screws up everything about you

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yes, smoking pot with anything is life threatening.

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Is puking when smoking pot bad?

Probably not. But smoking "pot" is. Not only is it illegal (in the US), it is potentially lethal, although there has NEVER been a recorded "pot" overdose or anything of the sort.

Does hthe guy have to stop smoking pot to get her girlfriend pregnant?

It helps to stop because smoking pot lowers a man's sperm count.