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Varied=includes different ingredients; not all the same thing.

Adequate=enough; sufficient.

Moderate=avoiding extremes.

Balanced=the right amount of each ingredient.

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Q: What is varied adequate moderate balanced?
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What is the difference between balanced diet and adequate diet?

An adequate diet contains all nutrients necessary for long-term survival. It may not necessarily be optimal or have any variety. A balanced diet refers to a diet that that contains right proportion of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and fiber . For instance, if you eat nothing but rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, and corn, then that is NOT a balanced diet because it has plenty of starch and not enough protein, fiber, or fat.

What is adequate diet balanced diet moderate diet and varied diet?

NO NO NO NO NO!!! You want to be eating meat and fish (carbohdrates), pasta and potatoes (protein), a small amount of fats (milk and cheese and other dairy produce) and a teeny bit of sugars (cakes, chocolates, sweets...)You then want to be eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and drinking at least 8 pint-glasses of water a day.

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If your diet is decently varied and balanced to start with - nothing.

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A well balanced and varied diet.

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A healthy diet is synonymous to a balanced diet. Eat balanced portions of fruits, vegetables, and meat. They key is to moderate everything.

What is the importance of balanced and varied diets in obtaining the essential minerals and avoiding toxicities?

The importance is just that. Balanced and varied diets allow for the variety of foods needed for the body to take in enough of all essential nutrients, and by eating healthy, the body avoids major toxicities.

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balanced fund

What is a word between strong and weak?

The word "moderate" falls between strong and weak in terms of intensity or degree. It denotes a middle ground or a balanced state.

How do you increase vitality?

Vitality can be described as the overall health of a person. In general, health and vitality can be increased by a good balanced diet and moderate exercise.

What are the best balanced mutual funds according to US News?

According to U.S. News, the best balanced mutual fund depends on different categories, including the type of allocation. For aggressive allocation, the best balanced mutual fund is the SAAT Moderate Strategy Allocation Fund, whereas for conservative allocation James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund ranks highest. For moderate allocation, Mairs & Power Balanced Fund is ranked as best by U.S. News.

What quality of touch distinguishes types of compressive force as being light moderate varied or deep?

The depth and pressure applied during the compressive force determine whether it is light, moderate, varied, or deep. Light compressive force involves gentle pressure without sinking into the tissues, while deep compressive force penetrates deeper into the muscles creating more intense pressure. Moderate compressive force falls in between, and varied compressive force combines different levels of pressure throughout the massage.

How do i keep my bones healthy?

Eat a balanced diet, get a moderate amount of sunshine on your skin and exercise regularly.