NO NO NO NO NO!!! You want to be eating meat and fish (carbohdrates), pasta and potatoes (protein), a small amount of fats (milk and cheese and other dairy produce) and a teeny bit of sugars (cakes, chocolates, sweets...)
You then want to be eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and drinking at least 8 pint-glasses of water a day.
An adequate diet contains all nutrients necessary for long-term survival. It may not necessarily be optimal or have any variety. A balanced diet refers to a diet that that contains right proportion of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and fiber . For instance, if you eat nothing but rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, and corn, then that is NOT a balanced diet because it has plenty of starch and not enough protein, fiber, or fat.
If your diet is decently varied and balanced to start with - nothing.
A healthy diet is synonymous to a balanced diet. Eat balanced portions of fruits, vegetables, and meat. They key is to moderate everything.
A well balanced and varied diet.
Vitality can be described as the overall health of a person. In general, health and vitality can be increased by a good balanced diet and moderate exercise.
Eat a balanced diet, get a moderate amount of sunshine on your skin and exercise regularly.
An effective body building diet consists of eating smaller, balanced meals more often. The protein content should be high and all food groups should be present on a balanced and varied manner.
How you will prepare an adequate diet for a home
Such meal plans can be well-balanced, varied and delicious. As in any change in diet, it takes some getting used to, but the reward in improved health is worth the effort.
Balanced diet
all types of phsical exercise acompanied by a varied balanced diet will, in the long term improve blood pressure :)
An excellent guide to a diabetes diet can be found at Life Clinic encourages a balanced diet, including moderate healthy amounts of sugar.