Depending on condition, completeness, and originality, anywhere from $125-$300. Great target rifles.
The mossberg model 151K was made from 1950-1951.
The Mossberg Model 151-K was made for two years only: 1950 and 1951.
50-156 USD or so
You will have to know the model name or number to cross-reference to a manufacturers model. Many Western Field (Montgomery Ward) shotguns were made by Mossberg, but many were also by Stevens/Savage, Hi Standard, and several others. My son has a Westernfield M865A, which was made by Mossberg, but they also sold it as a Mossberg rifle as the Model 402 or you will here it called the Palomino. My son loves it, got it for $60 at a garage sale.
The Model 151k was produced 1950-51. The average value for the model in good condition is approximately $100-$150. It is one of my favorite guns to shoot. Very accurate.
$90-$150, depending on condition.
I happen to have a 1965 Mossberg Model 800a. I recently took it to a gunsmith to have some minor cosmetic work performed on it and he told me that he had never seen a rifle stock that old in such excellent shape. I bought it at a garage sale from an elderly woman for $575.00. It had belonged to her late husband. Right now the rifle is worth between $600.00 and $700.00. My rifle has a very nice rifle sling, front and rear sights, see through scope mounts and a Bushnell 3x9 scope. The barrel needs to be reblued in a couple of spots, but I treat the stock with tru oil and keep it cleaned. But the true value of any weapon is found in its worth to the owner as opposed to any buyer. I still hunt with mine and my 12 yr old son will get it when I pass on. To him, it will be priceless.
I have a 142k and it is a nice and fun rifle, no many out there but the last time that I check I had spotted one in GUNSAMERICA for $200, $250 in excellent conditions. In the Gun Value Book 2006 it goes for $140 excellent / $110 VGood and $70 in NRA good conditions. No much in $ My suggestion it to keep it and have fun with it, if you need parts NUMRICH GUN PARTS have everything for this little rifles, ever the hard to find replacement Magazines. I'm saving mine for my son first rifle. it is compact and reasonable accurate. Hope this help Daniel
1970 I have no idea.Would like to know myself. Bought one for my son for x-mas,would like to know a little about the history and backround,value of the gun. Any help will be appreciated.
I paid $59.00 at Cabellas for my son's.
Westernfield was the trade named used by Montgomery Wards stores for guns sold by them. They were made by companies like Mossberg, Marlin, Winchester and Savage. Take your rifle to a gunsmith. They can identify the parent make and model, and find you a replacement firing pin.