The Mossberg Model 151-K was made for two years only: 1950 and 1951.
The mossberg model 151K was made from 1950-1951.
It was only made for two years- 1950 and 1951.
Your westernfield model 732 rifle was made by mossberg as the mossberg model 810AH,for montgomery wards(westernfield).
Your westernfield model 732 rifle was made by mossberg as the mossberg model 810AH,for montgomery wards(westernfield).
No exact production numbers avaialble that I know of, but they would have not been extremely high- that rifle was only made for 2 yrs. (I have two of them- for a hunting grade of rifle they are VERY accurate)
Your Western Field model 37 bolt action rifle was made for Montgomery Wards(Western Field) by Mossberg and sons.The Mossberg model 30 and your rifle are one and the same.The Mossberg model 30 single shot .22cal rifle was made from 1933-1935.
Mossberg Model 321
The Mossberg and Sons Model 146B was manufactured in 1954-1958.
From what I can find out it was made by Mossberg and is the same as the Mossberg model 20 and 21.
Your rifle was made by the Mossberg firearms company,there model 353 is the Western field model 855a rifle.These rifles were produced by Mossberg from 1972-1985.
Mossberg Model 353