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Q: What is value of Smith and Wesson mod 19 357 mag?
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500 USD

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100-435 USD

What is the value of a Smith and Wesson mod 19 357 mag in excellent condition?

400 or so

What is age and value of smith Wesson 357 mag serial BSP8047?

You will have to call S&W

What is the value of a 357 mag smith and wesson model 66-2 in great?

50-450 usd

What is the age and value of a 357 mag Smith and Wesson Model 19-4 serial 117k940?

No way to value with just the serial number.

What is the value of Smith and Wesson 357 mag pistol model 27-2 Serial?

100-1000 USD depending on specifics

What year is a smith and Wesson 357 mag mod 15-3 serial k928266 and What is its value range?

model 15 is not made in 357 it could be a19-3

Where is the model number of a Smith and Wesson 357 mag snub 2 in stainless barrel?

Look on frame inside the cylinder area to find the model number of a Smith and Wesson 357 mag snub 2 in stainless barrel

What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 686 revolver in 357 mag?

30 yrs or so

Which of 7 sets of stamped letters numbers on my Smith Wesson 357 mag do I use to research value?

The sn is located on the butt of the weapon.

What is the value of a 1980 dan Wesson 357 mag?

value depends on overall condition...................