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Q: What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 686 revolver in 357 mag?
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What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 686 revolver in 357 mag Serial number afa5952?

Mid 80s or so

What is the value of a smith and Wesson 357 model 686-4?

The Smith and Wesson 357 model 686-4 is valued somewhere between $450.00 to $625.00, depending on the condition.

Is the SW 357 model 686 singleaction?

All Smith and Wesson model 686 revolvers were made as double action handguns by Smith and Wesson.

What is value of smith and Wesson 686 revolver?

100-460 or so

What is the value of a used Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum Smith and Wesson Model 686-3?

50-550 usd

How do you remove cylinder on Smith and Wesson 686 revolver?

Best left to a gunsmith

What is the age of a 357 Smith and Wesson Model 686 serial AFJ7187?

Mid 80s

What is your 357 smith and Wesson worrth model num 686?

100-450 USD

What is the manufacture date of a Smith Wesson revolver 357 Model 686 serial number alv8744?

Mid-80's. Call S&W and they will tell you when it left the factory.

What was the revolver used in the movie Punisher War Zone?

There were a few different ones used, including:Smith & Wesson Model 500 (.500 S&W Magnum). Both long and short barreled models were used - Castle's was the long barreled model, heavily modified.Smith & Wesson Model 640 (.357 Magnum). This is the snub nosed revolver carried by Budianski.Smith & Wesson Model 19 (.357 Magnum)Smith & Wesson Model 686 (.357 Magnum)Smith & Wesson Model 442 Centennial (.357 Magnum)Revolver of an unidentified type, used by the mugger who held up Detective Soap

Where is the serial number located on the Smith and Wesson model 686 revolver?

behind the celinder

What is the value of a 357 Magnum Smith and Wesson Model 686?

50-550 USD or so