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50-250 USD

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Q: What is the worth of Mossberg 600 ET 410 pump?
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Whats the worth of Mossberg 600 ET?

25-250 USD or so

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How much is a mint condition mossberg 535 ats worth?

Brand new these guns are range from 350-600$..

I have a Mossberg 600at new haven can you use Mossberg 500 pump action mag extensions?

Yes, the 600 At is the same model as the 500 series, but with a different designation for sale in New haven stores. So yes, all Mossberg 500 after market or OEM parts will fit it.

What is the value of a fox savage model b 410 gauge double barrel serial number 8000005263?

You have a winner! The .410 is a rather rare gun. Worth $5-$600 if in excellent shape.

Is there a serial number lookup site for a Mossberg 600 AT?


What is a new haven mossberg 740t 22 mag worth?

New in box would be $500 to $600. Slight wear would be $400. It is a nice rifle.

Is a Mossberg 600CT pump the same as the 500A?

The Mossberg 600CT is a model based on the Mossberg 500 design with some variations. The 600CT is specifically designed for law enforcement agencies. While there are similarities between the 600CT and 500A, such as the pump action mechanism, there may be differences in features or customization options.

What size shell does a Mossberg 600 use?

Look on the barrel to find out.

Any body ever herd of a sportsman 12 pump magnum and the value?

yes i believe its worth about 600

Did Ithaca by SKB ever import or produce a field model 500 or 600 in 410 gauge?

Yes, both models were produced in 410.

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