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100-1000 USD or more depending on specifics.

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Q: What is the value of the Inland M-1 Paratrooper serial 353477manufactured 4-43?
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What is the age and value of M-2 US Carbine caliber 30 manufactured by Inland Division which is paratrooper and folding model with serial number 4492683?

if it's an M2, it means an automatic weapon. check out legal issue on your gun in your state

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100-400 or so

What is the value of a M1 carbine mfg by Inland Division with serial number 189068 on the receiver?

$400-$900 depending on condition and originality.

What is the value of a plainfield m-1 carbine paratrooper?

It depends on the condition it is in (beat up, dents, scratches, ect.), if all of the important parts are original, and if it was ever restored. Also, include the serial number.

What is the value of a us cal 30 M1 carbine mfd by Inland with bayonet lug serial 641257?

Your inland made M-1 Carbine will sell for between 500-750 dollars,depemding on condition and a good bore.

What is value 30 cal carbine serial3aa36907 paratrooper?

Value of any firearm is based on EXACT make and model, condition, and originality. An ORIGINAL M1A1 carbine in excellent condition may be worth $1000, but there are civilian versions of the military carbine, and aftermarket "paratrooper" stocks that may be worth $200.

Inland division m1 carbine serial number 4926143 when was it produced and value?

Sometime between September 1943, and January 1944. Value will depend on ondition, originality, and any accessories, but is typically in the $700-$800 retail price range.

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