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This is an extremely rare air rifle made between 1923-24. It has a beer barrel pump-lever handle underneath. Unfortunately you did not state the condition of the rifle for me to set an estimate. Like all antiques the current condition determines the value.

If you would like an estimate of value then state the condition as Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent. then I can set an estimate of the value range.

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Q: What is the value of the 1924 Crosman 22 air rifle?
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If you are asking about the Crosman 1924 model 22 Caliber. ( it has a pump handle under the forearm, ) Then it was the second Crosman air rifle made. It has great value. It was produced between 1923-24. The third model had a swinging pump forearm, no handle. 1924-25. Please state the condition of the rifle so an estimate of value can be given.

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What is the value of the 1924 crosman 22 air rife in good condition?

The 1924 was the second rifle model made by Crosman. It was the first Crosman underlever model made, before that it was the 1923 model that had a plunger pump under the barrel. Your model was made between 1923 -24 and in Good condition it is worth between $1,450 to $1,875. Source Blue book of airguns 10 edition

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This is really a very old rifle. It was made between 1924 to 1950. Crosman offer a service to locate repair shops that repair older air rifles. See the link below and follow the prompts.

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See the CROSMAN Link below.

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