Please state the condition of the Crosman rifle? Is it still working? Is it in Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair or Poor condition? With this information I can give an estimate of value.
I do not know of any model I-350 made by Crosman, but they did make a push barrel rifles known as a model V350 between 1961-69
$55 TO $75
This air rifle was made for Sears by Crosman air gun co. In reality it is a Crosman model V-350. made between 1961-69
Crosman made a V-350 from 1961 - 1969. I do not believe they made an I-350.
I can not find a CROSMAN model 350 BB gun, Do you mean a V350 BB rifle. If so then one in good condition is worth between $55-$70
This rifle was made between 1961-1969. it's a variation of the Quackenbush model 7. unfortunately you did not state the condition of the rifle, so no estimate of value can be given. Re-post the question with the condition of the rifle. Poor, fair, good, very good, or excellent and I'll try to give it a value.
this model is worth between 350- 450 depending on the condition of the rifle
Between £350 and £450
50-350 usd
This rifles was made between 1961-69
The value of any rifle is dependent upon the condition of it. The AE is a very common rifle. If the rifle is in excellent condition, this make and model would be worth $350 to $400.
$350 US in good condition