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100-1000 USD

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Q: What is the value of a sako A5 7mm mag rifle?
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What is the value of a sako AV 7mm mag rifle?

100-500 USD depending on condition, box, accessories, papers.

What is the blue book value of a sako trg-s m995 in 7mm Remington mag?

200-1000 usd

What is the value of a weatherby 7mm mag rifle?

100-1000 + depending on specifics

What is the value of a smith and Wesson 7MM mag rifle?

100-500 USD

How much is a sako 75 7mm mag rifle with leopold v-3 3-10x40 scope worth?

Around $900, dpendiing on the exact version and condition. Very nice rifle.

What is the value of a firearms international 264 win mag rifle worth it may have a sako action and barrel?


You were wondering the value of a Firearms International 7mm Mag rifle with a Mauser action?

100-500 USD or so

Is their a 7mm ultra mag in the model 70?

The 7mm Ultra Mag is a Remington cartridge. THE model 70 is a Winchester rifle. Winchester does not chamber the Model 70 For the 7mm Rem. Ultra Mag cartridge.

You are looking for a follower and spring for a sako 7mm reg mag L61r?

Gun shop, gun show, want ad

What is the value of a pre 64 firearms international 264 win mag rifle you think it may have a saco action and sako barrel?


Can you shoot a 7mm Remington mag in a 7mm Weatherby rifle?

DO NOT DO THIS!!!! The OAL on the 7mm Mag is 2.5 inches and the 7mm Weatherby is 2.55 inches. SInce they headspace on the belt, and due to the freebore in the Weatherby, the 7mm Mag may chamber in the Weatherby. SAAMI lists the 7mm Mag/7mm Weatherby as an unsafe combination one will probably chamber in the other. DO NOT SHOOT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT AMMUNITION!!!!

Price of 7mm rem mag parker- ballard rifle?

300 or so