i have a 12 gauge unrifled barrel 500 model.what type of slug do you reccomend for the mossberg
Have it checked by a good gunsmith and ask for advice.
100-300 USD depending on condition
Mossberg makes an 18.5" personal defense/home defense/slug barrel for the 500 .410. The cost is approx $75 delivered via fedex. You should contact Mossberg directly to place the order. It's cheaper than Brownell's, Midway USA, Bass Pro Shops, etc. They get them from Mossberg to sell to you at a higher price.A NOTE OF CAUTION: Mossberg does NOT, repeat NOT recommend using slugs through the standard full-choke barrel. Using slugs in this barrel could bulge or burst the barrel.
This should be a Mossberg 500 in a Montgomery Wards suit. Check any dealer for the availability of a slug barrel.
Value of ANY gun is based on EXACT make, model, variety and condition. You need a hands-on appraisal.
mossberg 500
At this time no,there are not any available.You could have a model 1300 slug barrel redone and have the gas ports added to this barrel.Then it will work fine in your model 1400 Winchester shotgun.