Python prices have gone up in private as of late. Value depends on overall condition. Check on under pythons for condition and prices
A fine revolver
a 357 cal. revolver cartridge WILL fit a colt 357 python. Also, a 38 special will fit a 357 cal. python. The 357 sig cartridge will NOT fit a 357 colt python................ The 357 sig cartridge ONLY fits the sig model pistol For clarity.....the sig 357 is a pistol. But, the 357 python is a revolver................
Do you have a colt python?
about 1975
The value of a 357 colt Python v 20978 is 1962 The value will depend on the condition and additional options, but Pythons are very valuable. They can go for thousands of dollars.
Blue Book of Gun Values or one of Wilson's books on Colt can help
made about 1977.
buy a pistol cleaning kit that matches the correct cal.
100-1000 depending on specifics
it is a Colt made revolver but no longer produced. average pricing today between $1,000 and $2,000
The Crosman 357 is modeled after the COLT PYTHON. If the Python fits the holster, then the Crosman 357 may also fit. Your just going to have to try it.