Without the serial number to confirm this your gun in 10% condition $350, up to $6,500 in 98% condition
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1898.
your winchester model 1886 rifle was made by winchester in 1898.
your Winchester model 1894 was produced in 1898.
Your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1898.
If we are talking about a Winchester model 1892?,then the value of your firearm is going for between 475 dollars for a gun with 10% original finish,all the way up to 1,900 dollars for a fine specimen with 80% original finish.
Marlin made the model 1898 shotgun,while Winchester made the Model 1897 shotgun,A Winchester model 1897 shotgun with the serial number provided indicates that it was made in 1900.The Marlin model 1898 shotgun was made from 1898-1905.
The Winchester Model 1904-A was introduced in 1927 and discontinued in 1931. Value is entirely dependent on condition, maxing out around $400 for near perfect.
Winchester Model 1897 serial number 60823 was manufactured in the year 1898. Bert H.
My books indicate there was no Winchester 1898, either a rifle or shotgun. Browning patented a pump action shotgun in 1890 which became the Winchester Model 1898. My mother has one which was her father's. It's a nice gun, but I don't know how to date a specific serial #. I'm guessing that 968386 was not the first one :)
I'm unsure of the value but your rifle was built in 1898, i also own an 1894 in 38-55 and mine was built in 1894