I would need a detailed description of your Winchester model 70 rifle,which was made in 1965 to give you a accurate value.Please include the overall condition of your rifle including the amount of blueing remaining,and the condition of the wood and bore.
The MSRP on a new one is $1009.00
A Winchester model 70 rifle produced in 1968 will bring between 300-450 dollars depending on the overall condition of your rifle,and a good bore.
Your question has used the serial number of your Winchester,not the Model number.Please include a description of your Winchester along with the model number,and the serial number to get a answer about your Winchester.
If you are asking when it was produced?Then your Winchester model 61 was made by Winchester in 1953,with the serial number that you provided.
With the serial number that you provided,your winchester model 70 rifle was made by winchester in 1970.
With the serial number that you provided,your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1913.
With the serial number that you provided,your winchester model 12 shotgun was made by winchester in 1927.
Your Winchester model 64 was produced from 1933-1957,and the serial numbers were listed among the model 1894 serial numbers.Your Winchester model 64 was made by Winchester in 1934.
Imposable to answer without you providing a serial number to your Winchester model 12 shotgun.
Model 70 winchester serial number 432523 chambered in 416 rigby
While the Winchester model 190 was serial numbered,Winchester did not keep records of the serial numbers by year of production.I can say that the Winchester model 190 was produced from 1974-1980.
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1971,with the serial number you provided.