The value of a Winchester model 75 will vary depending on the condition of the gun. There are some of the models worth $1250.00.
the value of your model 75 Winchester depends on many conditional values such as amount of blueing left wood condition etc. but your model 75 Winchester was made in 1941.
your Winchester model 75 was made in 1942. has sn tables.
Your Winchester model 370 does not have much value; it is going for between 75-150 dollars. It may intrest you to know that the model 370 was made in Winchester's Canadian plant at Cobourg, Ontario. They were made there from 1968-1973.
Your winchester model 77 rifle is valued at between 75-175 dollars depending on overall condition.
100-1000 USD or so
these range in value from 75-200 dollars depending on the condition and a good bore.
According to an ad in Gun Digest a Winchester model 1876 Carbine 45-75 in 80% condition is $9,850.
value Winchester 140
Winchester did not make a Model 30
100-1000 usd
the value of a Winchester 20 gauge model 1400 and the history? the value of a Winchester 20 gauge model 1400 and the history?