Current price: $100.00 Starting bid: $75.00 Closing bid: $ 90.00 Bidding is closed for this item.Closes: Auction is closed Started: 10/30/2008 9:43:38 AM Ended: 11/25/2008 10:24:00 PM Quantity: 1
$250-$500 Depending on the condition.
Kingsbridge Armory was created in 1917.
Depends on condition. 250-550
Do you mean a Pattern 1917 rifle that has been rechambered to one of the .300 cartridges (and if so, which?)?
Have never seen a S&W sniper rifle from 1917. In that period, S&W was making .45 cal revolvers for the war effort. If you have other information, you may contact me through my mesage board, and I'll try to help. Sniper rifles were made at the Springfield Armory, Rock Island, and by Remington.
If your Remington model of 1917 bolt action rifle is all original,with the correct stock cartouches and proper R stamping on all metal parts.Then the value will be between 550-850 dollars.This also reflects that the bore is in good condition and the blueing or pakererizing is in good condition.
William Remington was born on 1917-10-25.
Value of any firearm is based on exact make, model, condition and originality. A Model 1917 .30 cal rifle could be worth $500-$1000, depending on condition.
Your Remington model of 1917 rifle was made in November of 1918,with the serial number that you have provided.
Would need more info on the rifle, caliber, model, condition and images would be nice
If you mean the US Rifle, Caliber 30, Model of 1917, manufactured by Remington, these were produced only in 1917-1918.