about $250 in clean condition
100-400 USD
100-500 USD
your Remington model 725 in good condition would be worth between 400-525 dollars.there were only 2,784 made in this caliber.between 1958-1961.
100-1000 USD
looking for info on Winchester model 280 in a 22 caliber simi-automatic. when made and value of the gun now. Thanks
I have not seen a 760 marked 760R, but they are stamped Carbine. What is the barrel length? Can you post some pictures? If it is a cut off rifle, as I suspect, then the value is only as a shooter. If you mean the R that has a circle around it after the 760 on the receiver, that is to indicate that 760 is a Remington trademark. There is no record of a 300 Sav. being made in the carbine length, only; 30-06, 270, 280, 308, and 35 Rem.
is there a diagnostics plug in on an e class 280 mercedes 1994 model please?
I bought my 31 16 gage pump about 5 years ago for $280. I was NRA good and has been my go to shotgun for small game hunting. I have also shot a 22 in skeet and a 24 in trap with this shotgun. It fits me perfectly and is a joy to carry at 7lbs. 16 gage 31's seem to go for about $300. Hope this helps
Need more specifics
Very nice shotgun. They sell for $1,000 to $1,200, depending on exact version and conditionEDI: The Model 280 will typically bring prices at the upper end of the above numbers- 20 gauge version .brings a bit more than 12 g. And still a very nice shotgun.