

Best Answer

Average condition $75.00 Exelent $100.00 Remington 512 is a similar to the T-513 & T-514 with the same receiver and a non target stock and tapered barrel

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Q: What is the value of a Remington 512?
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What year was the Remington sportmaster 512 made?

your Remington model 512 was made from 1940-1962,with a total production of 395,000 guns.

What is the value of Remington model 514?

remington model 512 value, as with all items, depends on condition. how good in the finish, wood, bore. Any rust/pitts. between $75 - $100 if good

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I think you mean a Sportmaster 512, Remington didn't make a Model 52. In MINT, like new condition around $300.-

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I don't believe the Remington 512, 511 or 510 have serial numbers

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Where is the serial number on Remington model 512 sportsmaster?

Many shotguns & .22 caliber rifles manufactured before 1968 did not have serial numbers. This would include your Rem. 512

When was your Remington 512 made?

1940-1962 Will be date code stamped, see related links for details.

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What range of years was the Remington model 512 sportsman maufacturedin?

I do not know the answer, I can tell you that I goy mine for Christmas 1959.

Where can you get a manual for assembly of a Remington 512 Sportmaster 22 LR?

obsolete manuels can be ordered on the Remington web site, and some current models are available for free on the web site to print.