Seems like I've seen the Model 11a autoloaders for sale at $350-$500 depending upon condition. Original finishes in good consition raise the value. Refinishing detracts as does poor condition.
what is a remington 20ga shotgun patented 1891,1903,1904 worth?
Contact Remington.
what is the value of a 20ga zabala hermanos shotgun
Remington model 350 series k 20 ga shotgun. A very nice gun
$100 in mint condition
westernfield 20ga shotgun
your browning model auto-5 shotgun is valued at between 375-650 dollars.
50-110 dollars,depending on condition.
Check the auction sites. Based on description 100-500
The Marlin model 30G serial number 3512 20 gauge shotgun is valued at $350 in good condition. It is valued at $750 in excellent condition.