What is the value of a remington 1100 12ga serial # l869590v
what is the value of the Remington 1100
from $100 to $400 depending on condition and barrel.
100-350 or so
They have date code stamps on the barrel which can be looked up on the manufacture date link on the Remington Society of America.
Gurl, I don't know! Google it!
100-450 USD
The 1100 designation for a Remington shotgun is the model number. Remington makes the 1100 model in a trap version and a field version.
On the left side of the barrel you will find the date codes, which are a combination of letters. The serial number doesn't do a whole lot of good on Remington dates. Remington 1100 shotguns in 12ga will bring from $175-$350 depending on features and condition. sales@countrygunsmith.net
From the data code stamped on the barrel. Check the Remington Society of America web site manufactured date link.
Doesn't mean anything other then it's a model 1100.The serial won't help you unless you call Remington but It's date stamped on the barrel. Check the Remington Society of America's manufactured date link for details.