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Q: Value of Remington model 1100 20ga 26 inch barrel?
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Value of Remington 1100?

what is the value of the Remington 1100

What is value of Remington 12 gauge 1100?

from $100 to $400 depending on condition and barrel.

What is the value of a 12 gauge Remington model 1100 shotgun in good shape with a 28 inch smooth barrel mod choke?

100-350 or so

When was the Remington model 1100 manufactured?

They have date code stamps on the barrel which can be looked up on the manufacture date link on the Remington Society of America.

What is the Value of Remington model 1100 annaversary?

Gurl, I don't know! Google it!

What is the value of a Remington model 1100 made in 1963?

100-450 USD

Will a Remington 1100 and a Remington 1187 barrel interchange?


What is meaning of the 1100 Remington 12 gauge what does the 1100 mean?

The 1100 designation for a Remington shotgun is the model number. Remington makes the 1100 model in a trap version and a field version.

What is the age and value of a Remington Model 1100 serial 542496V?

On the left side of the barrel you will find the date codes, which are a combination of letters. The serial number doesn't do a whole lot of good on Remington dates. Remington 1100 shotguns in 12ga will bring from $175-$350 depending on features and condition.

When was your Remington Model 1100 made?

From the data code stamped on the barrel. Check the Remington Society of America web site manufactured date link.

What does the Remington model 1100 sn L679242V mean?

Doesn't mean anything other then it's a model 1100.The serial won't help you unless you call Remington but It's date stamped on the barrel. Check the Remington Society of America's manufactured date link for details.