The Miroku shot gun is valued at the same vulue as a Charles Daily. (Same Gun) O/U are from 450 to 600 depending on condition
1500 au
The value of a Miroku model BC3000 12 gauge under and over shotgun would depend on a couple different factors. Most important of these factors would be the condition.
Depending upon condition, $400 to $650
You will have to contact Miroku to find out.
You will have to contact Miroku
Try Blue Book of Gun Values.
100-1000 USD
stirling miroku shotguns were manafactured by miroku for fuller firearms sydney Australia in the 1960s and 70s they were overlooked at the time but now are considered a good gun
The letters NZ in the serial number indicate that your Miroku made Browning was made in the year 1991.
No published sn data I know of
No published sn data.
If it was made for Browning you can tell by the serial number.