If this is the side by side model 21 it was made between 1968-72. In excellent condition it is worth $1000. I have only seen one of these over the years. (Hang onto it.) It could be worth considerably more depending on the configuration.
If the WORKING condition is Excellent. What condition is the pistol itself in. Is it also in Excellent condition or average condition
The Daisy 1894 Winchester Commemorative. Value in Excellent condition is worth $175 - $215
The model 100 was made in 1962. in Excellent condition it is worth around $40 Plus or minus
100 USD or so
This pistol was made from 1979-1989. If you would like an estimate of value then you need to state the condition of the pistol from Poor to Excellent. With out that information it is not possible to give you an estimate of value.
Do you mean the Model 111 not III? If so in EXCELLENT condition it would be somewhere between $105 and $125. It must be like NEW.. It looks similar to a Daisy Red Ryder. It was made between 1963-78
This JC Higgins model was made by Daisy air gun. It's a Daisy model 1894 Western Carbine ( Cactus Carbine ) in excellent condition it is worth $100. It was made between 1960-70. It is model 799.19210 for Sears.
The 799.xxxxx series air rifles were made by Daisy for Sears. This appears to be a Model 1894 Cactus Carbine. In very good condition it is worth about $60 in excellent condition it is worth about $85.
I know of no 1968 Daisy model 1201. However Daisy did produce a model 1201 from 1976 - 77. It had a gold finish and a blond stock. It was sold through Western Auto. You did not give the condition of the rifle, so this in only a guess. For it to be of any value it must be in very good condition to excellent condition. (Still working, no rust, dings or scratches) the value runs between $50 and $125 in "like new" condition.
The Cactus Carbine model 799-19210 was made between 1960-70. It was made by Daisy Air gun and is really a Daisy model 1894 Cactus Carbine. Please state the condition of the rifle to get an estimate of value.
To get an estimate of value you will need to state the condition of the rifle. Is it Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent. Is it still working?
Please state the current condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value. Give it a rating like Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent condition.